and Hello Dr Burn!
Here goes
my second entry, which is about teaching and learning
experience in using technology. In term of self learning experience, being a TESL
student, there’s a lot of novels that I have to read especially during
literature class. To be really honest, I don’t really like to read any classic
novels such as Macbeth and The Awakening (which is supposed to be a compulsory
reading materials to read on as a TESL student).
As a solution, I ended up
watching movies/videos based on the novel that I found from the internet
(Youtube to be precise). I found out that it is a lot easier, which I can
identify all the characters, settings and other elements that involved in the
novel by just watching the videos/movies without even have to read the novel at
the first place.(Hehe)
Next, in
term of teaching experience in using technology, I do have several issues in
classroom where I managed to overcome the problems by adapting and integrating
the use of technology in my lesson plan. In a real classroom setting especially
in sub urban area, teaching literature component such as short stories and
novels is isn't easy. Most of the students don’t really like to read all the
literature books that they are supposed to read (I guess it's karma. Been there
that that. Haha). I was assigned to teach two form 4 classes and unfortunately
none of them have read the book. In this situation, it is hard for me to
conduct the class as they literally don’t know anything about the literature
component especially for novel. So I've decided to search for any videos on Youtube based
on the target novel and let them watch it together in the classroom.
as the result, most of the students managed to answer their literature
questions well even though they did not read the book at all. I guess the
videos shown managed to grab their attention and it is easier for them to
remember the storyline and other literary devices because they watch and listen
to the videos at the same time. It is a great personal achievement for me
because not to mention, apart from they don’t even read the novel at the first
place, they are also from the last class with low level of proficiency in
That is all
for now.
Thank you :)